From Naples to Bari, Treviso, Catania and Florence, the Fortinet Roadshow, a multinational company specializing in IT security software, devices and services, with High-Performance Security events where GT Professional Simulator is the gem to excite all the guests present.
The event promotes all the news from the Fortinet world relating to worker safety, cybersecurity and more.
Il Professional Gran Turismo Simulator it goes very well with the themes of high performance, technology, innovation, and in this case with the claim used by Fortinet for the event: “It's time to step on the accelerator on safety”.
Listen to Fortinet's video testimony:
Do you also want to organize corporate events, roadshows, trade fair stands with a strong visual impact, innovation, a magnet for visitors and customers?
You can do this with i Professional Driving Simulators and with all of ours exclusive services!
Request info and costs of the simulators for your next events.